
Tim Prosch

How do you describe your work?
My goal as an artist is to find unique ways to see and feel the emotional side of Architecture and Nature.

My style of photography has been described by a number of well-known professionals as “painterly.” I believe that perception is derived from my minimalist and orderly sense of composition, my concentration on shape and line, and my use of color (including white and black.)

What inspires you?
When I was growing up, I spent my summers with my great grandfather at his home in the woods of Michigan.  Of the many things he taught me, the two that I have carried with me as a photographer are his attention to detail and his focus on quiet contemplation, whether it be the colors on a monarch butterfly or the contours of an abandoned barn.  As he often told me, “Look for things that others may have missed.” (In other words, pay more attention to the World!)

Every time I go out on a shoot, I pause to take on my great grandfather’s mindset . . . quiet contemplation and attention to detail . . . so I can bring to you a photograph of something that others may have missed.